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Genderstrategicplan 3

The Gender and Inclusivity sub sector strategic plan validation meeting with stakeholders.

Nairobi, 30th May 2024

This is the first strategic plan for the Gender and Inclusivity Sub-sector that stipulates the long-term direction for the period 2024-2034. It has been developed in order to operationalize the functions and responsibilities of the sub sector in order for it to effectively play its part in contributing towards Vision 2030 attainment of gender parity and inclusivity of special interest and vulnerable groups and fulfilling H.E. Governor Sakaja’s promise to give citizens back their hope, order, opportunity and dignity.

The development of this Sub-sectoral plan will guarantee the inclusion of sector priority

Programmes, Projects and Initiatives into the 10-year development framework, and subsequently secure sustainable budget allocations to the respective strategic interventions.

Dr. Anastasia Nyalita County Executive for Inclusivity, Public participation and customer service said, “Sectoral planning involves reviewing where the sub-sector is now, where it would like to be in the future, and how it intends to get there. We are looking forward to receiving this plan and take it to cabinet so that it can be adopted and give us direction. I’m glad that it’s a 10 year plan that will outlive the current CIDP which is a good thing because now we need to ensure that there is continuity.”

“Let’s share ideas with other sub sectors and sectors so that they can also develop their own plan. I sincerely hope and count on all our stakeholders to give their candid feedback and thereafter walk with us in the implementation of this Sectoral Plan as we partake in giving citizen back their dignity. “She further stated.

County Chief Officer for Gender and Inclusivity Ms. Maryam Dahir acknowledged the immense support and contribution the stakeholders had given towards preparation of the sectoral plan, she said, “we are here today to validate a document that is very dear to us, a ten year strategic plan for our sub sector. This is a new sector that was formed by the current government and it shows deliberate measures by H.E the Governor towards gender and Inclusivity affairs.”

Said Ms. Dahir,”We’ve come up with this strategic plan so that it will be able to direct us as a sector and direct all our partners and the entire Government in terms of what we are looking into doing in the next 10 years. The gender sector working group has done a lot of consultations so that by the time we are coming up with this strategic plan it’s a plan that speaks to all our stakeholders. I look forward to continuing this journey together as we embark on our mission of fostering gender equity and ensure social inclusivity in county policies, programming and projects.”

The Sector will conduct evaluation in two stages Midterm review and terminal evaluation to determine the overall success of the strategic plan, take note of lessons learnt and recommendations to the next planning period.

In Attendance were county Chief Officers including George Mutiso-social services, Bram Simiyu-Disaster management, Zipporah Mwangi -Business and hustler opportunities, Janet opiata-public service management, Godfrey Akumali -cooperatives and Tom Nyakaba- public Health accompanied by Directors, assistant directors and county staff.
