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Nairobi, Kenya.

Preliminary Report On The Outcome Of The Public Participation Forum On The Proposed Nairobi Tourism Policy

The recently conducted public participation regarding the proposed County Tourism Policy was a milestone event towards stakeholders engaging in determining the direction of our tourism sector. The forums were held both physically and virtually to ensure that key players in the industry provide a wide range input.

Physical Forum
Charter Hall hosted an in-person session attended by approximately 90 stakeholders. That interaction served as an avenue for stakeholders to air their opinions, concerns and suggestions thereof.

Virtual Engagement
Discussions on this took place among approximately 1,500 stakeholders from different areas in the tourism sector on platform X. This helped reach out to more people; thereby, ensuring that their proposals are registered while contributing to the ongoing conversation.

Commitment To Stakeholder Input
We acknowledge that public participation encompasses both listening to stakeholders as well as utilizing their ideas when arriving at final decisions. Therefore, as we proceed with policy formulation, we will take into account all feedback and recommendations made so far to make it encompass all shades of opinion so much as possible than any other time before.

This report is a reflection of our ongoing attempts at creating a tourism policy.

Kindly click here for the Preliminary report